Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sleeping too much

You may find that you often fall asleep during the day, although you want to stay awake. The commonest reason is lack of sleep at night. People sometimes fall asleep as a way of escaping from the pressures of everyday life. However, if this goes on for more than a few days, it may be caused by a physical illness of some sort. This could be diabetes, a viral infection, or a thyroid problem.

There are also two unusual conditions that make people sleep too much.


A person with narcolepsy will suffer sudden and uncontrollable attacks of sleepiness in the daytime, sometimes in public. They may feel as though they can't move their body and may see or hear strange things as they are falling asleep. They may also have the alarming experience of suddenly collapsing when they are angry, laughing or excited.

Sleep Apnea

The main symptom is loud snoring. Of course, this may seem to be more of a problem for the person sharing the bed than the person snoring! However, Sleep Apnea can be a serious condition. The sufferer not only snores loudly, but also stops breathing for short periods of time during the night. Every time this happens, they wake for a short time before falling off to sleep again. Understandably, they feel tired the next day. It is more common in older people and in those who are overweight.

*narcolepsy=mungkin akan terjadi pada aku nnt.

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