Tuesday, June 7, 2011


young and dangerous.
but also bald and beautiful.
oh! wayne rooney..

Monday, May 30, 2011

down and gutted

down and gutted."we're beaten by the best team in the world"...what more can he say.SAF.living legend, and still be.in SAF we trust.do build the next great team Sir.I'm raring to see them!!...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

kesian kelisa

bulan malang.xpasal2 sebab kebodohan orang laen aku jadi mangsa.itula pompuan kalau bawak kete.sakit je ati.kesian kelisa.xpasal2 kau menderita..

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Persahabatan ialah istilah yang digunakan untuk menandakan tingkah laku kerjasama dan sikap tolong-menolong antara dua atau lebih orang.

Jenis persahabatan

  • Fair-weather friend atau kawan cuaca baik: Seorang yang hanya akan membantu kawannya apabila perbantuan itu tidak susah.
  • Casual relationship atau "hubungan seks rambang": Kawan yang mempunyai hubungan mesra dari segi seks tetapi tidak menganggap diri mereka sebagai mencuba memikat; juga dirujuk sebagai friends with benefits atau "kawan yang memberikan manfaat".
  • Best friend atau "kawan karib": Kawan yang seseorang berasa paling rapat. Istilah ini biasanya membayangkan perasaan salingan antara satu sama lain, tetapi ini tidak selalu berlaku dan hubungan kawan karib merupakan sesuatu perkara yang sangat rumit.
  • True friend atau "kawan benar": Orang yang sudi membantu kawan-kawannya yang menghadapi masalah emosi. Istilah ini juga menandakan sebahagian besar altruisme kerana seorang kawan benar seringnya akan mengorbankan masa atau sumber yang lain untuk membantu kawan mereka yang menghadapi kesusahan. Walaupun demikian, kawan benar seringnya jarang ditemui dan mereka tidak semestinya merupakan kawan karib anda tetapi seorang yang anda ketahui akan membantu anda apabila diperlukan.
***jenis2 kawan berdasarkan wikipedia***

Jenis persahabatan pada aku.

1)sahabat yang boleh lepak/minum /borak skali tapi hal2 laen dorang akan hilang n buat xtau
2)sahabat yang boleh enjoy skali (kewujudan dowg lam hidup hnya tok enjoy)
3)sahabat yang boleh diajak membahan,dibahan,dan sama2 bahan (kawan yg lebih skit drpd 1&2 tp bile susah n tekanan dorg akan buat korg bunuh diri)
4)sahabat yg termasuk dlam semua di atas dan xkesah na dgr kisah sedih,msalah,tekanan korg. ( dorg sanggup mndgr da kire bagus n dorg ad mcm2 care tok bg ko ok).

bestfriend / truefriend / sahabat 1+2+3+4 :- kawn yang betul2 susah na jumpe.agak luck sebenarnya aku boleh jumpe kwan2 cmnie.even aku consider aku bukan kwan yg best n benar kt kawan2 aku.thank guys!!

kalaulah aku ade kawan cuaca baik kawan 'hubungan seks rambang', sumpah aku tak jadi cam sekarang if aku jumpa kawan2 camni dari kecik.hahaha.

Monday, April 18, 2011


"He said to me dat plis be m0re indiependence after dis,d0nt be so childish n accept him watever he is.I will try it c0z i l0ve u..I try~"
" "Do l0ve urself first b4 u l0ve s0meb0dy else.." This quotes is t0tally true guys!I admit it."
wondering if she's with someone else does she would be more happier n bahagia...


how about this for a tackle? God he's legend, but not in tackling...

Monday, March 28, 2011


finally, aku resign dr keje aku.haha.even senanye aku men chow cam uh je, tp aku rase puas ati lak.xperlu na tahan maki tiap-tiap ari, xperlu na membohong tiap-tiap ari, n xperlu na sumpah seranah orang tiap-tiap ari.memang keje uh xsesuai nan aku.tp aku dapat tahan selama 5bulan.not bad la kan.hahaha.

reason sebenar aku berenti sebab satu.aku xpuas na jadi penganggur. lepas abes praktikal, aku da terus keje banci, jadi penyelia.tahan la 2bulan.(snanye keje uh mmg 2bln je pon.haha). then abes2 pas raye try interview trus dpat keje skang.org educated kate customer service representative..padahal operator je snanye.jadi pasni bermula la life as penganggur.

aku nak lepak puas-puas, main game puas-puas, tido puas-puas.pastu baru carik keje lain.hahaha.
biorleh kene maki ke marah ke.janji aku puas.

***jeles ngan membe2 penganggur laen***

Monday, March 21, 2011


adakah aku ni membosankan?????

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


chicarito @ havier hernandes.
the buy of the session.what a class!!
a great finisher, great player.
love seeing him as a Man Utd player.

**still wondering is he muslim or what.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ramli Sarip & Raihan - Kau Yang Satu (ABP)

asyhaduallailahaillallah wa'asyhaduannamuhammadarrasullullah.
memang Kau yang satu tuhanku.


ajal dan maut di tangan tuhan.kita sebagai manusia hanya mampu merancang.
Allah yang maha besar menentukan semuanya.

satu minggu dua rakan ku kembali ke rahmatullah.
baru seminggu lepas bergurau senda, berkomen2 di facebook.
sehingga hari ni wajah2 arwah masih terngiang2 di kepala.
memang allah lebih menyayangi mereka.

aiman pokcek dan che habibullah.
smoga roh kamu berdua dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bulan Kesialan

month: february
year : 2011

the sialan month of my life.from bad to worse.from worse to motherfucker worst of all.
mula2 side mirror kete ke langgar.pecah.abes.kene ganti.
then moto pancit tym g keje.fuck.kene ganti gak.
g keje lambat.kene rmc.fuck.kene ganti dtg awal ngan ari laen lak..
lagiskali tayar moto pancit.gampang.kene ganti lagi.
then awek mintak putus.itu lagi FUUUUCCCKK!!!
tapi yang ni xley ganti...

dugaan tahap anjing maut sial aku kene bulan ni.tapi..dats life.
moral-hidup kene ade restu orang tua.kalau x, hancuss...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revenge For Cheating Ex Boyfriends

Falling in love and entering with someone in a relationship is a really nice experience. But in a relationship, it is not always a happy ending. And you may have experienced being ditched by your man for somebody else or for any other reason. After your breakup, you might have thought of Revenge For Cheating Ex Boyfriends. You are heart-broken and it is just natural that you feel rage after. But being a revenge ex girlfriend is not necessary the best thing to be.

If you are going through a breakup, you should keep in mind that revenge ideas on ex boyfriend will never do any good to you or to your ex partner who have hurt you so bad. You may think that it is your only outlet to get over him but actually it is not. The more you hate the person, the more you are prolonging your agony. Ex girlfriend revenge can only cause you more hurt and could even ruin your life. When you are angry, there is always a tendency for you to hurt others and think of ex girlfriend revenge. And you might just regret doing it in the end. In order to avoid being a revenge ex girlfriend, there are things which you should bear in mind and actions that you have to take.

Move on and get on with your life. Instead of nurturing the hurt that you feel, you should look at the brighter side of life and move on. If you prefer to be a revenge ex girlfriend, your life will be stuck in that anger forever and you will make your life more miserable. Dwelling on that revenge can only stir up the ashes of your own hurt and resentment. Bear in mind that you are causing more harm to yourself than the other person. Ex girlfriend revenge will never share the pain, but it will just increase it. Always consider that poorly conceived ex girlfriend revenge plots might wind up making you look bad, thus it makes you feel worse. If you think of ex girlfriend revenge as getting even, well think again. Why should you want to get even with a loser in the first place?

Forgive and forget. In order to completely move on, you must learn to forgive your ex boyfriend and you should start to forget what happened. Ex girlfriend revenge will keep you from forgiving and forgetting. If you keep on hating and despising that person, there will never be a room for forgiveness. Instead of entertaining ex girlfriend revenge on your thoughts, you should erase past hurt from your system so it won’t be hard for you to forgive, let go, and move on. You should also let go of those grudges and resentments to completely make your life free from misery. Ex girlfriend revenge is one thing that can never make you happier and more of a person. You should really try to invoke forgiveness.

There is nothing wrong in loving. They even say that it is better to love and lost than to never love at all. But always remember that if ever a worst breakup comes in your way, never resort to ex girlfriend revenge. Ex girlfriend revenge can never be the sweetest thing you know. The more you hate, the more you add to your misery. So instead of thinking of an ex girlfriend revenge, why don’t you just let go, forgive, forget, and move on. Remember that when a door closes, a window opens.

gosh.now i understand how her felt.really.

****taken from http://cheating-boy-friend-test.blogspot.com/2009/03/revenge-for-cheating-ex-boyfriends.html

glory glory man utd

i am manchester united supporters through and through.