Friday, June 5, 2009

serangan di pagi hari

is a chronic medical condition. It has been defined as a common chronic disorder of the airways that is complex and characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsivenes, and an underlying inflammation.

these is the facts. the example of what is the picture in my body when the attacks happens. the meaning of the sickness that i have and had to go through everyday for the last 22 years and coming. but the causes of these sickness comes mainly and projected by myself. as it feels like i wanted to be attack. and so the main causes = smoking cigarettes.

i barely can stand the effect when the attack happen. just like today. but i cannot stop smoking. so the attack cannot stop too. its like both of them has been synchronize. so the conclusion is...
i am not addicted to cigarette or nikotine, but i am addicted to an asthma attack.
and so i am addicted to death.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

semangat keMANUTDan

Sedang2 aku membelek-belek membelek-belek shuratkabarr pada satu hari aku terbaca berita yang cukup gempar dan menyayat hati.

"Penyokong Barcelona parah ditetak"..

Rasanya tdiak perlu dinyatakn manusia itu diperlakukan oleh sapa dan mengapa. Cukuplah untuk mengetahui bahawa keparahan beliau disebabkan ke'fanatik'an golongan manusia yang laen yang tidak boleh menerima kekalahan.

kepada yang redha seperti saya, patut berbangga kerna dapat bersabar dari menambah mangsa tetakkan dari huspital-huspital di negara ini.

p/s; GLORY2 man utd..