Monday, November 3, 2008

my first job.

ni adalah job pertama aku. not as good as it seems. masih dlm proses pembelajaran. there are people that said good, nice, but there are also criticism. aku hargai semua itu.

it feels like my best friend weddings. n yg buat lg besh is dat im the one yg kene shoot his most precious moment of his life. agak gementar pd mulanya, tp lepas dberi semangat utk selambakn dri, akhirnya berjaya juga utk menembak picture2 yg pd penglihatan umum agak cantik..
shit. aku memang loser dlm coding2. cmne aku nk insert pic dlm ni pun xtau.
papepun, the rest of picture ak ad kt flickr aku.
so check it out mate...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the beginning

haha. akhirnye berjaya gk ak wat my own blog. diilhamkan lepas menengok byk blog2 form the others. ak rase this blog would lead me to create a bridge for the people to look at my work and said what they want to...

hahaha. biar ak letak pic yg ak rase 'thats who i am, thats i am everywhere..'